Trying out her bouncer for the first time.
Modeling a bracelet from my cousins.
First diaper change at home! Yes, you take pictures of crazy things like this. For you cloth diaper-er-er-ers, this is a Lil Joey by Rumparooz. Loved these the first few weeks.
Swoon. Bliss.
First bath at home!
She almost immediately peed through this towel. All over dad. Nicely played, Carys.
It feels like this was a week ago. I can't believe it was six weeks ago. I'm not even kidding, it's like a crazy time warp occurs when you have a baby. I've said it before, but I've never known time to fly so fast. I have no doubt tomorrow I'll wake up and she'll be in kindergarten.
your bath system is really cool. I bathe Emma in the sink :)