I know Halloween was like a month plus ago, but since I use this blog mostly as a time capsule for myself, I'm posting AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME.
In an absolutely shocking turn of events that NO ONE saw coming, Carys was Elsa for Halloween.
In an absolutely shocking turn of events that NO ONE saw coming, Carys was Elsa for Halloween.
This is going to be short on the DIYs because holyyyyyyyyyyy shit. This Elsa costume was a bitch and a half to make and was basically held together with hopes and prayers. Since I'm not a sewer - I mean, I sew, but I don't know anything about sewing - I chose a fabric that basically unravels if you look at it wrong for part of the dress, so it was falling apart before I even made it. All that after I was determined to have the most authentic Elsa out there (if she was going to be one of a thousand Elsas BY GOD SHE WOULD BE THE MOST REALISTIC) and ordered skirt fabric that was as close to her actual skirt as I could get it, and spent what felt like hours comparing bodice fabric possibilities, and searched every fabric store aisle for the one that matched Elsa's the best.
It held together. And I must have done a better job than I thought because it's STILL holding together despite near daily wearing. (The hair is a hot mess at this point and felting together at the back from rubbing against her skin, but she hasn't noticed.)
So to summarize:
Elsa dress: I made. Semi-based on this pattern, which contains lots of instructions and shit that I didn't understand because see above: not a sewer.
Elsa wig: I had the plain crocheted hat, to which I attached hundreds and gazillions of strands of slightly off white (this is important because Elsa's hair IS NOT WHITE it's just very very blonde) and then braided. I sewed a few snowflake decorations into it, as Elsa's braid has, and dusted it with translucent glitter because glitter!
Elsa bodysuit: When it was cold out, I made her wear a white long-sleeve leotard under the dress from Amazon.
Cabbage Patch dress: I had this already, can you believe it?!?! 1980 represent.
Cabbage Patch wig: Love on a Hook
A few days before Halloween, we visited my Mom in Dubuque to see their annual Halloween parade and, while there, we did a trick-or-treating event at the Mississippi River Museum. The costume wasn't quite complete yet, but she rocked it anyway.
Also I forgot Emmeline's wig so we made do with some sort of cute animal with a coat she had and some eyeliner.
When Elsa Met Elsa.
These are at the parade.
Singing Let It Go.
Note the pointy sleeves. These were so insanely important to her. POINTY SLEEVES PLEASE MOM.
On Halloween, the costumes made their debut at Krispy Kreme that morning, when a couple of friends and I took our kids to get free donuts (I dressed Em up to get one ONLY so I could eat it myself. Having kids is awesome.). You'll note that Carys did not want her hair tucked away for this iteration of Elsa. Which is kind of adorable and endearing.
After Krispy Kreme, I took the girls around to their great-grandparents' houses so they could trick-or-treat there (because everyone knows the best candy comes from grandmas!). My cousin had also brought his kids over to my maternal grandparents (so C and E's great-grandparents), and we had a meeting of the Elsas. Carys ADORES her second cousin Mariah, so she was absolutely in heaven.
She's wearing Mariah's shoes here, I didn't buy her shoes because I'm awful (so she said). Also up until this point she absolutely did NOT want a crown because Elsa does not have a crown in the movie, but the second Maria showed up with a crown it was all she'd ever wanted in her entire life. That plus the Elsa shoes.
We then went to my paternal grandma's house for the Customary Sitting of the Bear Chair.
And then the actual Halloween part of Halloween happened, where I had to beg my kid to go trick-or-treating because all she wanted to do was hand out candy to other kids. It was so cute, you guys. SO FREAKING CUTE. Like tears-in-my-eyes cute. She was calling to the kids on the sidewalk, "Hey! You! Spiderman! Come here! I have candy for you!" and when no one was around she would get a big pouty face and ask where her friends were and she'd yell, "Is anyone there?? Does anyone want some candy?!" She was so patronizing to every. single. kid. no matter the age that it was totally hilarous. She'd bend down and say, "What do we have here? A princess? And a ghost? How wonderful!" and drop candy into their bucket. I have the cutest, sweetest kid, guys.
Ok, I'm sure all your kids are adorable too. It's those mom blinders again.

After enough cajoling she finally, reluctantly went to a few houses, but kept asking if she could go back home to give out more candy.
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