In October, Chris took a day off work and the three of us went to the pumpkin patch. I hadn't been to this particular pumpkin patch in ages (Vala's, if you're wondering), and I was beyond excited to go with Carys. Vala's isn't so much a pumpkin patch as it is a little Halloween city. It's big and really well known in the area, but it's also got this wonderful dive quality to it. Everything is just a little bit falling apart and a lot dusty.
(Most of these pics I took with my 'good' camera; a few are from Chris's phone.)
This really shows the dive quality of the place - there are little vignettes like this all over the place. This was where the pig races took place. Random junk as decor? Sure!
In particular, there's this Storybook Village area that is billed as being for the little ones, with nothing scary. Let me tell you: it was the scariest area of the whole damn place.
This is not my picture - stolen off the internet - but WHAT THE EVERLOVING EFF IS WRONG WITH SLEEPING BEAUTY? Does she have a NECK BRACE?
Other than that, she loved the pig races (which last about 30 seconds each - way too short!) and all the animals (tons of goats, a camel, a cow) and just taking in everything there was to see.
Oh, and strangely, she loved the haunted house. I actually remember them being a little scary and having people jump out when I was in grade school, and I don't know if I'm just combining multiple haunted houses in my mind or if they changed it...but this time, it was all just displays and lame animatronics. Lame for me, but AWESOME for Carys. The outside of the haunted house had a vampire dude that popped out of a window. It startled her at first, but then she laughed hysterically, so I thought I'd take her through just to see what she thought of the whole thing. She was obviously too little to know that she should be scared of the zombie laboratory or aliens, so she thought they were funny and laughed her way through the whole thing. There was also a "squeeze" hallway where you literally squeeze your way through two giant air pillow things - a bit claustrophobic for me, to be honest, but it was hands down her favorite part. She wanted to do it over and over and over.

Rabbit City - very excited about this!
Checking out the animals
Feeding the camel an ice cream cone full of camel feed
We took a very dusty hayrack ride to the pumpkins, which she thought were great for climbing on, but not so much for posing with. So much for my grand idea of doing a fall photoshooot! Also, this particular pumpkin patch was....kind of ugly? Sparse and brown. Maybe they are all like that or maybe we went too late in the season; I don't know.
I love these next two - this was as she was looking around and let out this big excited squeal.

She was FILTHY by the time we started going back. White tights - not such a great idea.

Seriously, things like this are why having a kid is so great. You can go to places like this and not be one of those weird adults hanging out at places designed for kids. Right?
I mean, there's poop and whining and extra laundry, but then, there's THIS. So worth the trade.
please please tell me what kind of camera and lens you use. I love your pictures. the depth is fabulous. and the colours so rich.
ReplyDeleteOh, gosh, these are really not that great! haha! Thanks, though! But this was a Canon 5D with 50 1.2 lens.