Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Carys: Weeks One through Six

We've been taking weekly pictures of Carys since she was a week old.  The theory sounded better in my head, before I thought about the fact that doing so meant that we'd have to do this at least 52 times.  Montly pictures are the way to go, I think. But now we're commited, so I'll give it the old college try. Meaning, I think, that you get drunk and sleep around.

She's only two inches longer now than she was at birth (well, 2 and 3/4) and weighs two pounds more. It's hard to see how much bigger she actually is in these pictures, except in the one month picture where she somehow looks gigantic.


  1. I love that idea! I wish I would have done that with my little ones. It's so easy to forget what they looked like as babies a few years down the line but this way you will remember everything.

  2. I think weekly pictures are awesome. You can even print them and make them into a flipbook to cry over when she leaves for college. I mean, for memories... ;)

  3. I love her face in the five week picture! Agh! It is amazing how quickly they grow.
