Friday, March 11, 2011

The Belly: Taking over the world.

10 days until viability (24 weeks).

22 days until we reach the <100 days left milestone (ok, that's not a real milestone but seeing your ticker go from three digits left to two digits left is cool).

31 days until the start of the 2nd trimester. Or 38, depending on whether you go with 27 or 28 weeks. Maybe I'll celebrate both. You know? Always looking for an excuse for cake and ice cream.

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As of my appointment yesterday I've gained six and a half pounds. I don't know how that's possible since at 18 weeks I gained six pounds as well, and I know I've gained about a pound since then. Maybe I did the math wrong. Wouldn't be shocking. Numbers and all that adding and subtracting...who can keep up?  Regardless, it looks like I've gained about 50.


But just to show you it's all in the outfit and how recently I've peed, here's one from just a day later where I don't think I look quite as giant.

Yay for bathroom self-portraits!