Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Appointment Update

And it's great news!  I'll post pics in a second, but I mean, basically it's a jelly bean/gummy bear hybrid in a under-inflated black balloon. I think it's awesome, but I'm pretty sure all 8 week ultrasounds look pretty identical.  Anyway. We have a heartbeat: 172 bpm.  Caleb's was always around 160, if I remember correctly. So...girl?  Also, morning sickness this time and none last time, which according to my mom, also means girl (since she had morning sickness with the three girls and none with my brother). Optimus Raspberry Prime was measuring right on time - actually a day ahead! - at 8 weeks and 2 days.

My next appointment is December 30, where we'll have the NT scan, and then starting in January I'll be seen twice a month.  Hopefully we'll get in a good seven more months of appointments!


  1. AHH! Saw the pics - yay! Your doctor has way better equipment than mine, because I basically saw a lima bean with a heartbeat. Congrats!

  2. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and Nugget's heart rate was 181 at my 8wk appt and he's all boy!
